Young 5 Ambassador

Oakman SIP Initiatives

 Instructional Focus


  • Shared and referenced
  • On screen/paper- up to the teacher
  • Students should be able to answer, “What are you working on?”

D.O.K. Questioning

  • Asking “Why and how do you know?”
  • Performance tasks
  • STEM activities
  • PBL

Essential Practices in Literacy

  • Read by 3rd grade plan
  • Teaching/Engaging students in poverty

Eureka Math

  • Implementation with fidelity and rigor

Grade-Level Text

  • Close reading
  • Benchmark

PLC Process

  • Common assessments, Responding to the 4 questions

Response Time

  • Check for understanding
  • “In case I don't know” chart 



Student- Centered Initiatives

Student Learning Goals

  • MLP-
  • Student artifacts (no more than 1 month old)
  • Digital portfolios

Collaborative technology

Student leaders

  • Student ambassadors (Greeter/ Shows classroom)
  • R.O.A.R

Care to the Core

Ecology Club/ Robotics




Mission/ Vision statements

Culture and Climate

  • Be Safe, Be Kind, Be Responsible
  • School shirts