Mahara ePortfolio Project for 7th Grade Science at Woodworth
Design a Mahara ePortfolio activity as assignment on iLearn -
Completion date: 10 Feb 2016
After gathering materials from Nicole Laramee, I will be designing an activity that students will do to learn about geologic time in 7th grade science. This assignment module on iLearn will incorporate all of the necessary materials for students, including links, assignment sheets, and rubrics.
Meet with N. Laramee to determine a course of action for going further with iLearn in 7th grade science and social studies -
Completion date: 1 Feb 2016
Discuss materials shared through Google Drive, quizzes, and what's coming up in her classes.
Meet with N. Laramee to discuss implementation -
Completion date: 11 Feb 2016
After designing the project, meet with Nicole Laramee to discuss the details and implementation of the activity/project.
Model/Coach and Co-Teach to begin the Project -
Completion date: 15 Feb 2016
4 tasks