* Added custom color for breadcrumb bar which appears below the header image.
* Added Copyright Notice in footer area.
* CSS fixes and enhancements
* Updated language strings and settings pages to be more intuitive.
* My Classes and This Course drop down menus will now include a scroll bar if the list of items is too long.
* Removed My Grades from This Course dropdown menu. Causes issues if show gradebook to students is turned off.
* Added Tools custom drop down menu for quick links as a custom menu option.
* Duplicate Language drop down Menu is fixed.
* Topnav Drop Down menus will only support single column menus. This is to accomodate very long My Classes and This Course Menus. If anyone can help with a CSS fix I would appreciate this. I do believe it can be fixed with some simple CSS adjustments but I am at a loss and we don't use more than a single column links.