6 students walked around to talk to other groups, two listened in on the discussion of another group
2 groups are using whiteboards, 1 drew a concept map, the other
1 student visited the bookshelf with resources
1 student actively searched for information on her cell phone
1 person looked carefully at the 6 + 1 Rubric
6 students voluntarily took notes
“They all say different things?!!”
“There are different models?!”
“I understand what they’re saying…
“So we can say…”
“So what we’re doing is describing how…” (one student talking to a student in another group)
“This is a hypothesis…”
1 group boasted that they had an animation.
“Now what I’m wondering is if…”
Very few side conversations
2 students walked quickly to and from the resource bookshelf
“We might include, like, a hypothesis that goes against the other one.”
Khalid took a picture of a passage from a book.
“There’s a fine line between [two paragraphs].”
“So how are you guys gonna organize this?”
Hadil read a passage from the internet and explained what she thought it meant.
Students passed resources from one group to another.
“Should I just…?”
“In three minutes, we’ll jump to the second paragraph.”
“Look at the rubric.”
“We have to make sure the topic is narrow, manageable, and focused. We have to stay focused.”