What are SOLEs?
SOLEs are Self-Organized Learning Environments. The concept was developed by Dr. Sugata Mitra, a professor of educational technology from the UK. In 1999, Dr. Mitra and his team began placing computers in kiosks in impoverished villages in India. The computers were connected to the internet and placed in central public locations, available mostly to children. Students in these villages, with the help of their computers, were able to accomplish an astounding level of learning on their own without the help of a teacher.
From there, Dr. Mitra began experimenting on self-organized learning with students from around the world. He found that the students could accomplish astounding learning objectives and, moreover, could retain the information for tremendous periods of time. Dr. Mitra explains his findings in the YouTube video below. From his findings, Dr. Mitra established a set of protocols for learning that suggests that learning is an emerging characteristic of self-organized environments. It is these protocols that I am implementing in SOLE experiences in my classroom.